Once the helicopter was aloft, the men held a gun on the pilot, ordering him to fly to St. Jerome, 60 kilometers northwest of Montreal where the inmates climbed aboard the aircraft. 直升机起飞后,这两名男子用手枪胁迫驾驶员飞往位于蒙特利尔西北60公里的圣耶鲁梅,两名越狱者在那里爬进了直升机。
As Dictionary of Translation Studies ( English version, St. Jerome Publishing House, 1997; imported version, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004) explicitly points out, interpretation is greatly different from translation. 《翻译学词典》(英文版,圣·杰罗姆出版社,1997;引进版,上海外语教育出版社,2004)明确指出,口译是与笔译大不相同的一种翻译活动。